Aliseo Japan™ is not an incorporated company or a translation agency. It is the trade name we chose to represent our team of freelance translators comprising one Japanese translator and one Italian translator specialized in Italian and Japanese respectively and residing in Japan since 1997.

Aliseo Japan™ translators in Japan
“Aliseo Japan's translators” — Contents
In our case, “aliseo” does not refer to a person's name, with which it is often mistaken, but that of a category of winds of regular direction and constant intensity that blow in the inter-tropical belt of the globe and that were also called trade winds because during the Age of Sail they facilitated ocean crossings, just as we now try to facilitate communication between Italians and Japanese.
Our strong points: formal linguistic education and corporate experience
We are an intercultural, flexible, and dependable team with linguistic and corporate experience in a variety of international environments. Absent in pure linguists, this combined experience is one of our strongest assets and continues to contribute greatly to our ability to grasp new subject matter. Our clients include translation agencies and other companies, publishing houses, and universities as well as private individuals. However, our main focus is providing an effective and competitive third-party solution for small- and medium-sized companies that already have business relationships in Japan but require the aid of experienced professionals for their most crucial communication. Please read also the Questions and answers and the News pages.
Mario Cerutti
Italian translator

I was born in Bergamo, Northern Italy, and lived in Italy until the age of 42. After graduating from a local school of art, I was admitted to the Naval Academy of Leghorn and became an officer of the Italian Navy with a specialization in conventional and missile weapon systems. I hold a degree in marine and naval sciences (which includes engineering studies) from the University of Pisa. During my civilian career, I worked for several Italian and foreign high-tech companies: Contraves SpA (North African's French-speaking countries), Sepa Spa (South America) andAgusta Spa (EH-101 Helicopter), where I was entrusted with growing responsibilities as a marketing executive. For many years I served as general manager of Krautkramer Italiana, the Italian branch of a North America–based global corporation which focused on nondestructive quality-control plants and equipment. In addition to managing the company, I gained considerable experience in the definition and discussion of domestic and international contracts, accounting, and other legal matters, as well as insight into new technical domains. I started studying Japanese in Milan and established Aliseo Japan™ in 1997 together with my wife Taeko.
Taeko Kani
Japanese translator

I was born in Nagoya, Central Japan. While living in Tokyo I specialized in the teaching of the Japanese and English languages to foreigners, and simultaneously began to study the Italian language because I had the desire to experience the Italian way of living. In Italy, for some years I taught Japanese at a private school, and at the same time I also enrolled in a school that focused on new methods of teaching languages to foreigners. Following that, in Milan I became the assistant vice-president of the Italian branch of a world-renowned Japanese technology company, where for more than five years I was responsible for acting as a liaison between local managers and those of the various company headquarters. I was also in charge of translating periodic reports sent to and from the Italian branch and the Japanese main office, as well as specialized and marketing magazines; in addition, I interpreted during meetings between visiting Japanese managers and local managers. In 1996 I chose to become a freelance interpreter in Milan and the following year I returned to Japan co-founding Aliseo Japan™ with my Italian husband.